but how do you make movement with buttons pm me i need help!
but how do you make movement with buttons pm me i need help!
but the cursors dont work in vista
thanx!!! i could never get gravity before. oh and monkeytree, you dont need any script for the platform. just make it mc and give it instance of platforms. for a button actoin script you need to get unicode numbers... here are the ones or wiiimote:
up 175
down 176
right 177
left 178
A 13
B 171
- 170
+ 174
1 172
2 173
it feels like...
f-zero all over again!
like the blue button game!
thanks 4 the 9. blue button game is nothing like this. oh well.
this rox!
gt to play this after a long gome of loz. but it would be good if you could have a player control master sword or somthing,
Joined on 4/16/08